Cookie Policy

This doc­u­ment explains how jonathanberte​.com, a sub­sidiary web­site of Robo­vi­sion BV, trad­ing as Robo­vi­sion, uses cook­ies and sim­i­lar tech­nolo­gies to rec­og­nize you when you vis­it our web­site. It explains what these tech­nolo­gies are, how they are used and your rights to con­trol the use.

What are cookies?

A cook­ie (offi­cial­ly an HTTP cook­ie) is a small file of data cre­at­ed by a web serv­er sent to your device when you vis­it a web­site for the first time. When you vis­it the site again, the cook­ie allows the site to recog­nise your device (or more specif­i­cal­ly your brows­er). Mul­ti­ple cook­ies may be placed on your device dur­ing brows­ing ses­sions and they may store user pref­er­ences and oth­er information.

Cook­ies set by Robo­vi­sion are first-par­ty cook­ies; cook­ies set by par­ties oth­er than Robo­vi­sion are called third-par­ty cook­ies. Third-par­ty cook­ies enable third-par­ty fea­tures to be pro­vid­ed like ana­lyt­ics, per­son­alised con­tent and tar­get­ed adver­tis­ing. The par­ties which set these third-par­ty cook­ies can recog­nise your device when it vis­its the web­site and when it vis­its oth­er websites.

Why does Robo­vi­sion use cookies?

Robo­vi­sion uses first-par­ty and third-par­ty cook­ies. Some cook­ies are required for tech­ni­cal rea­sons in order for Robovision’s web­site to oper­ate, and they are named essen­tial” or strict­ly nec­es­sary” cook­ies. Oth­er types of cook­ies enable Robo­vi­sion to track and tar­get inter­ests of users to enhance the expe­ri­ence on the website.

Essen­tial web­site cook­ies: These cook­ies are strict­ly nec­es­sary to pro­vide you with ser­vices avail­able through Robovision’s web­site;
Per­for­mance and func­tion­al­i­ty cook­ies: These cook­ies are used to enhance the per­for­mance and func­tion­al­i­ty of Robovision’s web­site but are non-essen­tial to their use. How­ev­er, with­out these cook­ies, cer­tain func­tion­al­i­ty may become unavail­able;
Ana­lyt­ics and cus­tomi­sa­tion cook­ies: These cook­ies col­lect infor­ma­tion that is used either in aggre­gate form to help us under­stand how Robovision’s web­site are being used or how effec­tive our mar­ket­ing cam­paigns are, or to help us cus­tomise the web­site for the opti­mal brows­ing expe­ri­ence;
Adver­tis­ing cook­ies: These cook­ies are used to make adver­tis­ing mes­sages more rel­e­vant to you. They per­form func­tions like pre­vent­ing the same advert from con­tin­u­ous­ly reap­pear­ing, ensur­ing that ads are prop­er­ly dis­played for adver­tis­ers, and in some cas­es select­ing adver­tise­ments that are based on your inter­ests;
Social net­work­ing cook­ies: These cook­ies are used to enable you to share pages and con­tent that you find inter­est­ing on our Web­sites through third par­ty social net­work­ing and oth­er web­sites. These cook­ies may also be used for adver­tis­ing pur­pos­es too.

How can you (as the user) con­trol cookies?

As a user, you have the right to decide whether to accept or reject cook­ies. You can exer­cise your cook­ie pref­er­ences by click­ing on the appro­pri­ate opt-out links pro­vid­ed below.

Infor­ma­tion & Opt-outs

Web­Choic­es: Dig­i­tal Adver­tis­ing Alliance’s Con­sumer Choice Tool for Web US (aboutads​.info)
NAI Con­sumer Opt Out (net​workad​ver​tis​ing​.org)
Your Online Choic­es | EDAA

By opt­ing out of cook­ies, you will con­tin­ue to receive gener­ic adver­tise­ments and cer­tain func­tion­al­i­ty of the web­site may be restrict­ed. The brows­er con­trols vary from brows­er-to-brows­er so it is advised that you vis­it your browser’s help menus. Robo­vi­sion has list­ed the help menus of 4 well-known browsers below: 

Google Chrome: Turn cook­ies on or off – Com­put­er – Google Account Help
Apple Safari: Man­age cook­ies and web­site data in Safari on Mac – Apple Sup­port
Microsoft Edge: View cook­ies in Microsoft Edge
Mozil­la Fire­fox: Pro­tect your pri­va­cy | Fire­fox Help (mozil​la​.org) 

Nota Bene

Essen­tial web­site cook­ies are strict­ly nec­es­sary” and you can­not refuse them. You can block or delete them by chang­ing your brows­er set­tings how­ev­er, as described above; 

The links above were cor­rect on the date of publication.

Does Robo­vi­sion serve tar­get­ed advertising?

Third par­ties may use cook­ies on your device to serve adver­tis­ing through Robo­vi­sion web­site. These com­pa­nies may use infor­ma­tion about your inter­net brows­ing direct­ly with Robo­vi­sion and oth­er web­sites in order to pro­vide rel­e­vant adver­tise­ments about goods and ser­vices which may inter­est you. They may employ tech­nol­o­gy which is used to mea­sure the effec­tive­ness of these advertisements.

The infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed through these process­es does not enable Robo­vi­sion or any third par­ty to iden­ti­fy your name, con­tact details; or oth­er per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fy­ing details unless you choose to pro­vide these.

How often will Robo­vi­sion update this Cook­ie Policy?

Robo­vi­sion reserves the right to update the Cook­ie Pol­i­cy from time to time to reflect chang­ing oper­a­tional, legal or reg­u­la­to­ry stan­dards or prac­tices or both. It is advis­able to revis­it this Cook­ie Pol­i­cy reg­u­lar­ly to stay informed about Robovision’s use of cook­ies and oth­er relat­ed technologies.

How can I obtain fur­ther information?

If you have any ques­tions about our use of cook­ies or oth­er tech­nolo­gies, please email privacy[at]